Even though both utilize your bodyweight for resistance, monkii bars 2 is actually completely different.
Portability: Our webbing is thin but tough and the MB2 includes a small stuff sack case (coming fall 2020) for ease of storing and traveling, even if you are only going for a run.
Versatility: Don’t need the foot straps? Take them off. Want to exercise outside? Take the bars and webbing and leave the anchor home.
Quality: monkii bars 2 are 100% made in the USA from the highest quality material we can get our monkii-hands on.
While monkii bars 2 requires more stability than other training devices, monkii bars 2 provides you with a more efficient and effective workout. You will be amazed how soon you see changes because of the adaptation your body must due to remain stable!
monkii bars 2 can also be used to do offset training; by setting the bars at different heights you can further expand the possible exercises. We provide hundreds of free workouts and a comprehensive exercise video library to help you learn all the moves. Nothing matters more to us than you using your bars and we're here to support you every way we can!
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